Zero no Tsukaima Wiki
Zero no Tsukaima Wiki

Hi everyone! 

I wanted to propose something to the entire Zero no Tsukaima fan community. Why do not we start collecting signatures on a page like in order to press J.C.Staff to carry out the long-awaited fifth season? Or at least some Ova's and even a movie. Netflix recently confirmed the third season of Sense 8 after a signature collection was carried out on so there is a precedent for a company accepting the demands of fans through signatures. I do not know about you but I'm tired of waiting and I want more stories about Zero no Tsukaima and it's something that we can get together. In addition, the "end" of the anime has nothing to do with the light novels, so I would not mind that they obviate the end of some form and began to take more seasons with an argument closer to the novels.

So, I'd like you to give me your opinion and if you think it's a good idea I'll create a petition on Hopefully we can make this great story continue!